Blog 8 - A subject that I enjoyed study this semester

Hi everyone! Thanks come again to see what I have to show you. This time I’m gonna talk about my university subjects that I have.

This semester I started with seven subjects, but for the academic charge I dropped down one. So I have six: Diseño Editorial, Proyecto 5, Métodos cualitativos de investigación, Diseño Automotriz, Bocetaje Avanzado and this one, Inglés 3. 
My favourite one is Proyecto 5 because we’re working with various NGO. And another thing that I like is that it makes me improve everytime, working hard and I don’t notice it!  
This one exactly, Proyecto 5, is contribuiting me a ton! I’m becoming as a real professional right now. I’m doing things, like branding, that I didn’t thought I’ll do it someday. 
All its contents are amazing. We produce a movie logo by the tool of conceptualization. Can you imagine we even designed food!? Yes! Food! A plate that communicates the concepts of the movie.
Some aspects that I don’t like are the continuous pressure; feels like it don’t gonna stop never. Another one could be the extremely criterio they use when thy’re checking the works. 
Some positive aspects are the political and philosophical influence that the teacher give us, constantly. 


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