Post 4: What I am really into

Hello! Thanks to read this. I am a really changing person (I don´t know if it is write right). I have a lot of motivation all of the time. Now I am obsessed with design and books of design. I recently bought one on amazon about grid systems, and I´m going to buy another one about the importance and relevance of using fonts correctly. I am a compulsive guitar player (more specific Silvio Rodriguez´s songs) and I spend a lot of time playing and practicing the same songs until I learn it at the 100 percent. I am a political militant (Juventudes Comunistas) and I really enjoy doing graphics and propaganda and communication works of it. I´m really obsessed buying expensive markers to draw cars (the block that I use is really expensive too) and practicing on youtube to learn how to do it better as I can. In general I am a compulsive buyer.


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